By Ali Kane
The Station at Long Hanborough is our nearest, so feel free to customise…Everyone walks around in a circle, pulling on an imaginary train whistle chain for “whoo”. Otherwise, the actions are as you describe them.
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
Everybody stamp their feet. (stamp, stamp) x3
Get on the Hanborough train.
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
Everybody clap their hands. (clap, clap) x3
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Get on the Hanborough train.
You can do whatever you like for the verses “wave your scarves”, “turn around”, just choose three or four ideas and let people know what to expect.