This is very, very like “Portside Pirates” by Oscar Seaworthy, but not quite. Use your fingers to indicate the number, jump left, right, forwards and backwards and pat your tummy as indicated. “Arrh!” is like toasting someone with a beer glass.
When I was one I’d just begun, the day I went to sea.
I jumped on board a pirate ship and the Captain said to me:
“Oh we go this way, that way, forwards and backwards over the Irish Sea.
A bottle of rum to fill my tum.
And that’s the life for me.
The next four verses follow in the same way, varying the first line only as follows:
When I was two I buckled my shoe, the day I went to sea.
When I was three I bumped my knee, the day I went to sea.
When I was four I fell on the floor, the day I went to sea.
When I was five, I learned to jive, the day I went to sea.