Fledgelings Sing is a collection of songs and singing games for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Some are traditional and some are home-grown, some will be very familiar, while others more unusual. But all have been used successfully in singing sessions for the under fives where I live in Oxfordshire.
There is a “search” feature to allow you to find a song using key words. But songs can also be found by category, particularly useful if you are looking for a set of songs to lead a singing session at your toddler group.
Words are included for all songs, along with actions where appropriate. Tunes are also available for less well-known songs, simply select “sheet music” where it appears at the end of a song.
Leading singing sessions can be daunting, especially if you’ve not done anything like it before, so there is also guidance on how to lead singing sessions.
Happy singing!